College Algebra & Calculus


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*** BUY ONCE AND USE IN ALL YOUR COLLEGE Algebra and Calculus CLASSES!!! This College Algebra and Calculus App is not just an App to help you study, it is designed to also educate you. Using the math solver you can solve any Algebra and Calculus problem and follow detailed steps of how the question was solved..
This College Algebra and Calculus App will not only help you ace your tests, it will also help you in study and practice.
This App Comes with the following Solvers/Calculators:
- Quadratic Equation Solver- Derivative Solver- Highest Common Multiple (HCF) Solver- Lowest Common Multiple Solver (LCM)- Integrating Calculator- Slope Calculator- Limit Calculator- Differential Equation Solver- Partial Fraction Solver...And Many more. With this College Algebra and Calculus App, you wont even need a tutor!